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Key Benefits

  • Unlimited Internet Access*
  • 1 Free E-Mail Account
  • Free Easy-to-Setup Software**
  • 5 Megabytes Personal Web Space***



Full Unlimited Uncensored Access to the Internet
The Quest Doesn't limit your access to the Internet in any way.  You are able to do anything on the Internet that your computer will allow you to do.  We do not block access to any sites or services on the Internet. (Parents we are able to help you block inappropriate sites on your computer.)
Full Access to Newsgroups(Usenet)
With over 24 thousand newsgroups on our server and more being added we provide you with a full Internet newsgroup feed, allowing you access to the Usenet articles that you need.
Friendly Technical Support
Our Technical Support staff is here to help you.  We want to make your Internet experience as enjoyable as possible, if you every have any question about our service, the Internet or you can't get your Internet software to work correctly give us a call and we will try our personal best to help you understand and explore the world of Information on the Internet.


Three Year Unlimited Account                                                $360.00 (44% Discount)***
Provides you with three years of Unlimited Internet Access,  you won't have to worry about whether your Internet bill is paid.
One Year Unlimited Account                                                    $180.00 (15% Discount)***
Buy 10 months of Internet access and receive two free.
One Month Unlimited Account                                                 $17.95
Month to Month Unlimited access.

* - Unlimited Access is not a Dedicated Connection
** - With a compatible Windows 95 Computer
*** - Please Read the Policies Page for more Information